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Santa 1961
Mother nature spoiled Christmas this year so I substituted this instead. 

When I was 3 years old my folks said we were going to meet Santa Cause, and I was to make a list of presents I wanted. As the day approached, and me and my cousin made our lists and got dressing cloths, I really wanted to talk to santa about the important things I needed.

Finally the day arrived, we patiently stood in line, but once it was my turn to hand Santa my list, Santa grabbed my list and stuck it with a pile of other lists as a camera person burst through the crowd to suddenly take my picture, Santa then starts to ask me questions about weather I've been a good kid or not, and for me too give him examples of why I was a good kid.

You can see my grandfather is a bit perplexed by it all, and it certainly was not the experience I was expecting. I never got to talk to Santa about my presents either.    

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Everything you see here was done by one individual and the help from one other welder and the occasional sawyer

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